Leo's Lightbulbs

Monday, April 29th

Hello everyone and welcome to Leo’s Lightbulbs! I’ll be covering the top news from the past week every Monday morning in your inbox. This newsletter was written completely by hand, without any AI assistance or even AI editing.

I was traveling last week so this edition is a bit lighter, but I’d like to respond to the Logitech AI mouse. I love their peripherals, especially the MX Master mouse series, but c’mon. Just like adding a dedicated AI button to a laptop doesn’t really make it an “AI laptop”, this trend is presumably coming to other devices. Maybe it does have some utility, but I’m hopeful for more devices with truly advanced AI features, not just devices piggybacking buzzwords.


I’ll be attending the ISG Future Workplace in NYC May 13-14 and I’ll be a judge at the Summit Startup Challenge there! Come and see some of the cutting-edge innovations shaping the future of work. I’ll be there recording videos and networking and hope to have you join if you’re available or in town.

Attend the conference FREE by registering today by using my discount code at check out!

Code: LeoRodman

*Service Providers are not induced in the offer

Have a wonderful week everybody! I check this email address ([email protected]) daily, so don’t hesitate to reply with any thoughts or questions for a chance to get featured next week!




or to participate.