Leo's Lightbulbs

Monday, May 27th

Hello everyone and welcome to Leo’s Lightbulbs! I’ll be covering the top news from the past week every Monday morning in your inbox. This newsletter was written completely by hand, without any AI assistance or even AI editing.

To me the big news this week is the Scarlett Johansson voice controversy. I’m concerned that this may actually stifle innovation as people fear such lawsuits. While what OpenAI did may have looked bad and been sketchy, it shouldn’t really be considered illegal, and shouldn’t have been such a big deal. We’re only going to see more such things in the future, and ScarJo doesn’t have unlimited rights to all AI assistants. That said, what OpenAI did WAS super, super sketch.


Have a wonderful week everybody! I check this email address ([email protected]) daily, so don’t hesitate to reply with any thoughts or questions for a chance to get featured next week!




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